syimah! kamu di-tag!

What is your name?
nur - cahaya hasyimah - yang bersopan santun, pemurah :D

How old are you?
sadly dah tua; 20 kott

When is your birthday?
15th Jan

Are you looking forward to it?
da lepas next sem baru jumpa balik

Why? aq ckp dah lepas

Are you happy?

What makes you happiest?
balik dungun; sem baru; teruja! thihihihi

Are you afraid of something?
binatang berkaki empat; badan bersisik dan berdarah sejuk

Do you live alone, or with someone else?
dgn family; sy x mampu beli rumah sndiri lg; dah kata student kott

sesiapa yg berkenaan; ada 8 org dlm rumah rmi oiiii

Do you have any pets?
nope; mak x bagi bela;

What is your favorite cartoon?
hey arnold!

Have you ever hit a deer?
bwk kete pun jarang; maybe aq akan langgar sambil berjalan kaki huh?

Do you drink?
drink what? water ah? of course lah

Do you prefer beer or liquor?
sy suka sirap ros :)

What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
kan aq dah ckp SIRAP!

What kind of cell phone do you have?
sony ericsson

Do you like it?
hp satu keperluan masa kini; tanpa nya hidup x bererti thihihihi

What is the funniest word you ever heard?
sy x dgr tp sy yg ckp
mak! nak susu "lendah remak" SATU!

Do you hate it when people call you "dear"?
depends. sape yg panggil aq mcm tu heh?
better than syahimah hamjan kan?

To whom have you sent the most text messages?
mon amie

What did you do for new year's eve?
tgk bunga api dr beranda rumah
best wooooo~

Were there lots of pictures?
pictures of what?

What is your favorite movie?
V for vendetta

What is your favorite song?
the way i am - ingrid michaelson

what concerts did you want to see in 2008?
ish2 maksiat2....kamu ni....

what is your favourite place to chill out?
tepi pantai sura; dpn post A uitm dungun :D ngeeee

Do you work out?
hari2 jalan pi kelas; penat oiiii

Do you wear any jewelry?
nope~ xleh pakai time practical

What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years?
jd photographer time weddings

What is your goal for the year?
dekan. dekan. dan dekan!

What do you think about when you first wake up?
uit x solat subuh lg nih!

Do you shower daily?
mandi lah. tp klu malas guna rexona je...x berpeluh kn?? rexona kering! hak3

yes i am. home alone. kena tinggal. x dpt balik kg. sob3

Have you ever eaten sushi?
yup. i dont exactly hate it but i dont exactly like it either huh?

Did you like it?
kuih gelang lg sdp...huh?

List five things you can't live without:
oksigen; klu x mati x bernapeh, m'knn; dpt maggi pun jd lah; internet; ketagih dah, hp; utk mintak high council uwang; camera!; aq punya suka lah

What is your best physical feature?
sy redha je; xleh takbur kott

What is your middle name?
i don't have one?

Do you get choked up during dramatic movies? wish

Have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate?
i don't hate people... i just dislike them

Is there anything that you regret?
what do you think?

Do you want children?
anak angkat termasuk x? thihihihi

How many?

What is your favorite number?

What is your favorite sports team?
arsenal!! all hail the gunners

What is your most over-used phrase?
kamu ni....

What do you not say enough?

You and your other half?
my other half is mr. hyde

Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her?
i don't have an ex

Are you currently with someone?

Do you love him/her?
i just love myself :)

Who said "I love you" first?
no one

i don't know

who is "Your" band?
band skolah bleh x?

What is "Your" song?
the campfire song!

Do you think you'll be together for a long time?
with whom?

Do you do a lot of surveys?
jarang- jarang

Did you like this one?
buleh lah. soalan ya ampun! merepek

aku nak tag:
sape yg rajin jwb
sumpah panjang nak mam.
thanks kak effa :D
