what is your best trait?

tinggal sehari dan beberapa jam je lg;
terus terang aq tak tahu apa nak di buat
rasa hilang arah
ada-lah cikit
tapi tak seteruk masa 1st time dulu;
aq dah belajar berfikir lebih rasional
tapi rasa takut tu still ada
mmg aq ada sbb utk rasa takut kn?

aymann : kakak, selawat banyak2 sebelum masuk nant. InsyaAllah semua okay. adik doakan akak ye..

hafiz : aq doakan ko. papehal roger aq ok?

aiza : sbb Allah sayang kamu. dia tahu kamu mampu. kuat kan semangat ok?
nant aiza mintak abg aji n kawan2 solat hajat...

ros : dah lah. jangan fikir sangat..

zar : aq doa ko slmt. halal mkn minum etc etc aq jgk. be stronger as u ever be. I'll stand by u whenever u need me. i miss u tho. do take care.

ahmed : jangan buat aq risau lg ok?

hasyimah : sayang jugak korang kat aq kn? thanks; aq dah cukup hepi skrg

tadi kat facebook aq amik kuiz ni; harap2 betul-lah result nya
Chef hasyimah completed the quiz
"What is your Best Trait?" with the result Strength.
Whatever storm life brings you, you aren't afraid to deal with it head on. You know you can get through anything, and your strength draws in other people that want protection and a sense of security. You are a great leader, and people admire your stability and confidence. Instead of letting your emotions get out of control, you think logically and find solutions to any problems you face. You don't let people's opinions affect you, and you take criticism with a grain of salt. You stand up for what's right, and you don't give in to what you know will bring you down..


  1. alahai..sedih btul aku tgk part aku.. x memberi smgt lgsung kata2 aku kan..haha..haih..pape pon syimah, aku tau ko kuat..berjuang!

  2. xde lah ros...
    aq x ingt ayat lain
    tu je yg sempat tangkap
    sori ek
    anyway thanks call td
    ye2 aq kuat :)
    esok berjuang!


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