fitting in
Tenggol A
TGA226; dulu kolej jauh2 ni hanya budak laki je yg duduk
skrg dca part 5 perempuan yg concure tenggol A
bilik dia ok la; panas cikit sbb dungun mmg panas pun
jauh gak nak menapak gi kelas
but better than staying at rumah sewa
we dont have to worry about monthly rent or bills ;)
still waiting for my foldable bicycle to arrive
hari ni cuti sempena birthday agung so pejabat kolej x buka
maybe tomorrow ada luck cikit; InsyaAllah
smlm abg and the gang singgah Dungun from the merisik event at Kota Bahru
diorg bertolak after zohor; singgah pasar payang then turun Dungun
arrived at about 8.00 pm and mkn ramai2 at sri molek coffeehouse
rasa sedih gila time diorg nak balik tu
nak ikut... :'(
dah sem 5 ni rasa malas nak duk Dungun lama2...
...or am i just saying that? i dont know...
a lot of classes had been cancelled last week
and some of the lecturers are going in and out of the campus this few weeks
how are we going to find time to replace all the classes
aaaa that's the true question~ soalan cepu cemas
anyway i am enjoying the FREE time now
but will be crying when the time comes to replace the classes
tisk tisk~
i am missing everything and everybody
my batch especiall; bob; tiq and nepal gilo
azraa; amed and others
you know who you are...
still struggling to finalized the paperwork for the trip this semester break
and ETR 300 project
started studying ECO 101 and preparing for MUET
suddenly i feel scared;
too much to do in a very limited time
sempat ke? sempat ke?
sempat x sempat ko kena buat jugak lah kn?
ada aq kesah?
i still need to fit in..
figuring out the best way to do it..
i should be myself
dont talk if i dont want to
do what i believe i have to
and stay out of others way
dont burden others;
boleh ke ni?
TGA226; dulu kolej jauh2 ni hanya budak laki je yg duduk
skrg dca part 5 perempuan yg concure tenggol A
bilik dia ok la; panas cikit sbb dungun mmg panas pun
jauh gak nak menapak gi kelas
but better than staying at rumah sewa
we dont have to worry about monthly rent or bills ;)
still waiting for my foldable bicycle to arrive
hari ni cuti sempena birthday agung so pejabat kolej x buka
maybe tomorrow ada luck cikit; InsyaAllah
smlm abg and the gang singgah Dungun from the merisik event at Kota Bahru
diorg bertolak after zohor; singgah pasar payang then turun Dungun
arrived at about 8.00 pm and mkn ramai2 at sri molek coffeehouse
rasa sedih gila time diorg nak balik tu
nak ikut... :'(
dah sem 5 ni rasa malas nak duk Dungun lama2...
...or am i just saying that? i dont know...
a lot of classes had been cancelled last week
and some of the lecturers are going in and out of the campus this few weeks
how are we going to find time to replace all the classes
aaaa that's the true question~ soalan cepu cemas
anyway i am enjoying the FREE time now
but will be crying when the time comes to replace the classes
tisk tisk~
my batch especiall; bob; tiq and nepal gilo
azraa; amed and others
you know who you are...
still struggling to finalized the paperwork for the trip this semester break
and ETR 300 project
started studying ECO 101 and preparing for MUET
suddenly i feel scared;
too much to do in a very limited time
sempat ke? sempat ke?
sempat x sempat ko kena buat jugak lah kn?
ada aq kesah?
i still need to fit in..
figuring out the best way to do it..
i should be myself
dont talk if i dont want to
do what i believe i have to
and stay out of others way
dont burden others;
boleh ke ni?
hehehe.. i know u can do it syim! all da best! :)
ReplyDeletetq hafiz!! i miss you~