week 10 semester 6

hari ni dapat balik test 1 OB
multipe choice
I got 1 wrong answer
yeah I know
29 je pun
that's for studying last minute
serves me right
test II ada lagi :)
better luck next time

semalam pegi buat interview session untuk group assignment OB
each and everyone has their sub topic and have to come up with questions to ask the assistant manager
so I end up reading the whole chapter
and fixing the questions in my head
masa interview pakat ramai ramai senyap
and aq lah yang banyak cakap
memang suka cakap kot
en firdaus was really shy
and gave us more than we needed
thank you very much

lepas siap keje
pegi lepak padang setia city
photo shoot katanya
tak sedar diri malam tu ada test food styling
but we did study a few hours before the test
and Alhamdulillah
boleh la jawab
goreng goreng jangan sampai hangit

selasa lepas masa kelas zulhan
I was prepared to be yelled by zulhan
but surprisingly he didn't dare to look me in the eye
I guess that's how he says sorry to me *kot
mood dia OKAY
no cursing
no babi bangang bodoh came out of his mouth that day
it's a GREAT day
and I was so happy
that he didn't blame me or anybody else in the theatre hall
it's a good thing that I've emailed him the conversation I had with the Yakult representative
a setback 
and we got new group assignment to settle
papehal minggu ni ada luck lah
keje je tak settle settle lagi
okay nak kena update proposal IS
and prepare slide untuk food styling esok!~
layan rocky 3 dulu

with en firdaus sahmi

apasal suka sangat tak tahu
wink wink
